Master Planning in Remote Indigenous Communities

Urbi Winsome Terry of wildPLAN presented at the 2019 ‘Stimulating Growth in Small Centres: NQ Experiences’ Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Conference, hosted by the Tropical North Queensland chapter of PIA. Urbi’s presentation discussed the notions of growth in the context of planning within remote indigenous communities. Her particular focus was the examination of the […]

The story behind the logo

Henry David Thoreau was a naturalist and philosopher who, in one of his most famous lectures, “The Wild”, reflects on the innate “wildness” of society and in turn its critical dependence on the “wild”.  That is, despite the urbanisation of society, there is always a “wild” or untamed element to society and that as a […]

Why The Pineapple?

They say that if you have to explain a joke, then it’s just not funny. That is, unless you’re caught holding a pineapple, wearing a suit, on a beach in Cairns, in which case the ludicrousness of the situation becomes its own comedy. But, there’s just something decidedly Queensland about pineapples (there’s even a well-known […]